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New Year Reflection

New Year Reflection

Hopefully with the holiday season behind you, you’ve found a moment to rest & recharge. If not, prioritize the recovery you may need, then set aside some time to reflect.

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Are you feeling the New Year Energy?

As I check in with clients this week I am reminded of the mixed feelings that people have about New Year’s. Some relish it, some roll their eyes at the mere mention of it. Some celebrate the changing of years at a time other than January 1st, and some don’t feel it meaningful to celebrate the changing of years at all.

Although there may be nothing particularly special about the shift of the Gregorian calendar from one year to the next, there is a good deal of social hype around it. Whether we get caught up in the hype or not, we can work to harness that energy.

It may be worth noting that there are other factors besides the date change that can contribute to fresh energy at the start of the calendar year. Finishing out the holiday season alone is generally a relief for people, and often ends with clearing & restoration of our physical space. We may also temporarily withdraw from social events & celebrations, naturally entering a period of rest & reflection.

The reprieve may be temporary… we may be launched right back into hectic schedules, challenging relationship dynamics, medical procedures, the realities of our government… and perhaps we never got a break from those things at all. 

Either way, we could all use a fresh start every now and again. Use it. Purge, cry, hydrate, sleep, re-set, make that vision board, check back in on your values, pull some cards, journal, even set those resolutions if you heart desires it.

It’s OKAY that this energy is temporary and unsustainable just like new relationship energy. That doesn’t make it any less valuable, useful or any less meaningful to experience.

Time to check in on your values!

What are your top values at this time in your life? How have they changed over the past year? How can they guide your decision making and focus right now?

If you haven’t spent time identifying and reflecting upon your values in the past, try engaging in a values sort exercise (try this one). Trim your list of top values down to 10, then 5, then down to 3. The narrowing down process can be difficult, but helpful for streamlining your focus.

Consider how your values are currently being supported or challenged in different areas of your life. What changes might need to be made to get your life more in alignment with your values. If some areas of your life are out of alignment with your values but cannot easily or quickly be changed, what outlets, coping strategies or self-care practices could you adopt to help lessen or offset the impact? 

Remember, our values shift and change all of the time. Revisit this exercise with regularity.

Take some time to reflect…

As you reflect upon your past year and set intentions for the next, is there anything standing in your way of moving into the energy of the new year that you may need to let go of? 

What remnants of old patterns, habits, narratives, activities, relationships need to be released in order to move forward? How do you begin to let go of them? What will you need to be mindful of? 

What emotions related to letting go deserve space to be honored and processed? What support might you need to engage in this work? 

Once you have taken some time to identify anything you may be leaving behind in the year that has passed, consider what you want to move toward. Having some sense of direction (even if uncertain or flexible) can help propel our energy forward.

IMPORTANT: You can be moving toward something without promoting linear growth or progress. 

Your life circumstances may be in a spot that currently requires steady patience rather than change, for example. In this scenario, perhaps you are moving toward acceptance. Maybe you are working on leaving your pace and daily hustle behind and moving toward more ease & mindfulness, or leaving self-doubt behind and moving toward confidence. 

So, take some time to reflect. What are you moving toward? What or who can support you along the way?

#newyear #selfreflect #letting go #wellness #mentalhealth

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Melisa De Seguirant, LPC, LMFT
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