Individual Therapy in Oregon & California. Schedule your FREE consultation today!

ViDEO-Based Therapy Sessions For normative culture misfits in Oregon and California

Holistic. Integrative. Person-Centered. Trauma Focused.

LGBTQIA+, Neurodivergence & Ethical Non-Monogamy



We begin to heal when we are authentically seen, without judgment

My Approach

I view individual therapy as a space to explore authenticity, identify & address the factors and experiences leading too a negative self-concept, tend to trauma, repair attachment wounds and begin to develop more adaptive, empathetic narratives about ourselves and the world around us.

My practice is…


Considers the whole person

Whereas some therapies focus solely on mindset, I am interested in treating you as a whole person. This means taking into account your mind and your body, along with all aspects of your experience as a human being.

I will invite you on an exploration of your intersectionalities and the ways in which they impact how you move about the world. I will be looking at your mental health more deeply and dynamically rather than reducing your experience to a static set of psychological symptoms presenting at the surface.


Blends modalities

I am not trained in one therapeutic modality, I am trained in many. In my practice I aim to weave together complementary approaches in a way that effectively matches the need of my clients.

Modalities I tend to pull most frequently from include: gestalt therapy, somatic experiencing, mindfulness, hakomi, narrative therapy, expressive arts therapy, internal family systems (IFS), ego state therapy, psychosynthesis, dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), solution-focused therapy, and EMDR.


Honors the client’s self-determination

One of my primary goals as a clinician is to dismantle the hierarchy inherent in the client-therapist relationship, and help you to begin to become an expert in your own unique healing process.

My person-centered approach puts you in the driver’s seat, which for those who have been in highly structured, directive therapy settings in the past will be an entirely new experience!

Trauma Focused

& Trauma-Informed

I conduct therapy with an understanding that trauma is widespread and not an experience limited to those who meet the diagnostic criteria for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). I see trauma-informed care as approaching treatment from a place of recognition that trauma is imprinted in each of our nervous systems in unique ways, impacting the way we think, feel, and move about our present-day lives.

Being a trauma-informed and trauma focused therapist also means that I actively prioritize safety and consent in the therapy space. The early stages of therapy will be dedicated to trust and rapport, as well as exploring how your nervous system has been impacted by your life experiences and how that shows up in the present day.

Therapeutic Focus


“I’ve never talked about this in therapy before…”

I hear this phrase often from my queer clients, namely those who have worked exclusively with straight providers. Sometimes we don’t even realize the full extent to which we censor ourselves until we are in the company of people who share our identifiers, or at least some of them!

If you are searching for an affirmative, welcoming space to explore your sexuality, gender and other aspects of your identity for the very first time, you are in the right place! My warm demeanor and person-centered approach makes it feel more comfortable for my clients to begin to explore previously disconnected parts of self and sexuality, and address any fear or internalized shame that led to the disconnection in the first place.

For those of you who are feeling particularly comfy in your sexual orientation and queer identity at the moment, it may simply feel nice to be able to talk about your life openly without editing for a straight provider. Whether we’re discussing workplace gender dynamics, microagressions, the current political climate, specifics about your sex life, or details about your romantic or family of origin relationships, having another queer person co-creating your therapeutic experience might allow you to show up more fully and authentically.


Late-Diagnosed ADHD & Autism Focused

My work with ADHD and Autism focuses primarily on supporting late-diagnosed adults. Following a late-diagnosis of Autism or ADHD, many people benefit from time to integrate the new information, update their self-concept and grieve the years spent struggling with limited if any resources. 

​One therapeutic task we may take on is uncovering the masks and coping strategies you’ve unknowingly relied upon for years. We can explore the ways in which neurodivergence impacts your relationships, executive functioning and overall mental health, and begin to identify relevant resources to increase support.

Most of my late-diagnosed clients struggle to reframe negative self-talk and release limiting self-beliefs. After years trying to assimilate to the normative culture (to varying degrees of success), it is common for undiagnosed neurodivergent people to burn-out and internalize a sense of failure, believing something along the lines of, “this world isn’t made for me”. Part of the work involves challenging limiting self-beliefs, clarifying the obstacles and barriers existing in the normative culture and identifying strategies to respond and function more effectively.

Ethical Non-Monogamy

Boundaries, Agreements & Check-ins, Oh My!

Most would agree that ethical non-monogamy requires a great deal of collaboration and communication. Our ability to show up as our best selves for the essential practices of ethical non-monogamy (i.e. relationship check-ins, agreement updates, metamour meetings, etc.) can sometimes be hampered by fear, worry and attachment wounding, often informed by past trauma

In individual therapy you can explore the unique triggers that come up for you in navigating ethical non-monogamy, whether you are newly opening up or consider yourself to be a seasoned relationship anarchist.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ready to get started?

Therapy starts with a FREE phone consultation