Ideas for normative culture misfits …and everyone else.

Author: Melisa De Seguirant, LPC, LMFT

  • Dismantling Perfectionism

    Dismantling Perfectionism

    Dismantling Perfectionism The fear of imperfection is shared by many. In a world where the normative culture reigns supreme and everyone outside is viewed as lesser-than, imperfection is a reasonable enough fear. When we allow it to rule us, however, it severely impacts our mental health and wellbeing.  Treat the fear of imperfection like any… Read more

  • Working With ADHD

    Working With ADHD

    Working with ADHD Spotlight on the ADHD neurospicies this week! Recently diagnosed and at a loss as to where to begin? Supporting someone with ADHD? Read on! Let’s start with the dreaded to-do lists. In truth, to-do lists can sometimes be useful, alleviating the brain from the task of tracking and remembering so many things.… Read more

  • Projections in Relationships

    Projections in Relationships

    Understanding & Managing Projections in Relationships It’s one of those terms that has made its way out of the therapy space and into the mainstream, so let’s unpack it! Projection in a nutshell, is a term used to describe the psychological process by which a person displaces their own (usually unwanted) experience onto someone or… Read more

  • Queer Invisibility

    Queer Invisibility

    Dealing With Invisibility as a Queer Person The discussion about queer visibility typically focuses on representation and the portrayal of queer people & culture in the media. What sometimes gets overlooked, however, is the visibility of queer people in their day to day lives. Many queer people feel invisible whether due to being closeted or… Read more

  • Interpersonal Boundaries

    Interpersonal Boundaries

    Setting, Receiving & Maintaining Boundaries Boundaries! What are they? What are they not? How do you set them? Who is responsible for reinforcing them? How can you improve your ability to receive and honor boundaries? The concept seems basic enough in theory, but often difficult to apply in practice.  REFLECT ~ What comes up for… Read more

  • Info Sharing in Non-Monogamy

    Info Sharing in Non-Monogamy

    Managing Information Sharing in Ethical Non-Monogamy The following definition of ethical non-monogamy is central to this week’s exploration: “The practice of simultaneously having multiple sexual or romantic partners, where everyone involved is aware of and consents to the relationship structure” -Jessica Fern, Polysecure (2020) Reflect How do you decide how much information to share about… Read more

  • Mindfulness


    Putting Mindfulness Into Practice Mindfulness is widely accepted as beneficial for our mental health, though many people still lack an understanding of what it is and how to cultivate it. This week we’ll be doing a bit of an overview, with a focus on methods of incorporating it into daily practice. Reflect What is your… Read more

  • Embracing Neurodivergence

    Embracing Neurodivergence

    Embracing Neurodivergence and Releasing Ableist Expectations I’m continuing to target internalized oppression this week, highlighting the impacts of ableism on the neurodivergent community  Neurotypical Reflection How can you adjust to meet neurodivergent people where they are at?  How often do you think about ableism? How does ableism impact you? What can you do to be more mindful of your… Read more

  • Internalized Oppression & Parts Work

    Internalized Oppression & Parts Work

    Combating Internalized Oppression Through Parts Work Parts therapy has picked up in popularity. More and more people are finding benefit in viewing themselves as a system of distinct internal parts, with each part designed to perform a specific function or help them in a certain way.  One approach to healing through parts work involves identifying… Read more

  • Queer Identity Uncertainty

    Queer Identity Uncertainty

    Queer Identity: Coping with uncertainty and confusion As a whole, the queer community does a phenomenal job embracing pride with gusto and publicly affirming ourselves with bold, confident fanfare. This vibrant energy, however, may not be the only thing newbies need to feel safe in exploring their sexuality and gender. For many, first coming to… Read more