Author: Melisa De Seguirant, LPC, LMFT
Destigmatizing Asexuality
Destigmatizing Asexuality & Ace Spectrum Identities We got rid of homosexuality as a DSM mental disorder, why hasn’t the lack of sexual interest or desire been eliminated as well? The mental health field continues to pathologize asexuality, and so too does the general public. This needs to change. Collectively, we need to work through our… Read more
Rumination & Overthinking
Addressing Rumination & Overthinking Inside Out 2 recently became the highest grossing animated film … Tell me we’re all anxious without telling me we’re all anxious. …seems like a good time to talk about rumination! Oftentimes when we are stuck in an anxiety spiral, the overthinking we are engaging in is a frantic grasp for… Read more
Sensory Processing Disorder
Better Understanding Sensory Processing Disorder Sensory processing disorder, though not an official mental health diagnosis, is a condition widely recognized in the medical community. Still, it doesn’t seem to get as much attention in the general population as it might deserve. Have you ever heard of sensory processing disorder? Are you confused about what it… Read more
Non-Monogamy Transitions
Navigating Transitions in Ethical Non-Monogamy So many transitions! Embracing an ethically non-monogamous relationship structure typically involves committing to navigating a LOT of change! REFLECT What is your relationship to change? Do you pay attention to the transitions between activities in your day to day life? How do you typically respond to larger-scale transitions like moves… Read more
Assumptions About Autism
Challenging Assumptions About Autism What assumptions do you have about autistic people? What do you think that you know about autism? How can you begin to challenge your assumptions? The autism spectrum is NOT linear. 🚩 The problematic assumption: “The autism spectrum is linear and goes from less autistic to more autistic” 🚩 Another related… Read more
Social Media Boundaries
Exercising Boundaries with Social Media We love a conversation about boundaries in the context of human relationships, but what about our boundaries in our relationship with social media? Let’s talk about harm reduction. In psychotherapy (specifically addictions counseling), harm reduction is the terminology used to describe an approach to treatment aimed at minimizing the negative… Read more
Queer Affirmation
Actively Affirming Your Queer Identity I’m rounding out pride month this year with some thoughts about queer affirmation. With the amount of hatred and harm we continue to witness against the LGBTQIA+ community, we need to counteract it with fervid affirmation. Affirmation of queer identity doesn’t always have to be “loud & proud”, in… Read more
Queer NRE
Managing New Relationship Energy in Queer Relationships New relationship energy aka NRE describes the initial “honeymoon phase” of relationships. Often it’s characterized by intense joy, euphoria or excitement, and it can become all-consuming rather quickly! We may find ourselves growing more and more infatuated with the new person we are with, and less and less… Read more
Conscientious Pride
Approaching Pride Month Conscientiously Pride is a wonderful time for queer people to congregate, affirm and celebrate the marginalized parts of ourselves. It’s more than just a party, though, it’s an activist movement. Martha P. Johnson & Sylvia Rivera were both key figures in the gay rights movement, present at the Stonewall Riots and even… Read more
The Non-Monogamous Lens
Improving Relationships by Adopting a Non-Monogamous Lens What relationship wisdom does ethical non-monogamy have to offer monogamous people? What practices and principles from ethical non-monogamy can be applied in monogamous or even platonic relationships? An ethically non-monogamous relationship structure is not going to be a right-fit for everyone, but everyone can benefit from the practices… Read more