Month: January 2025
Emotional Regulation
Rethinking Emotional Regulation / Nervous System Regulation What is emotional regulation? In the Western psychotherapy world, emphasis is often placed on emotional regulation. When I talk about emotional regulation with my clients, what I am really referring to is nervous system regulation. But let me be clear– in many situations regulation is not reasonable to… Read more
Resourcing For normative culture misfits, and everyone else. In trauma therapy, resourcing is a technique (or sometimes a set of techniques) aimed at helping people reconnect with the present moment and regulating their emotional responses. Essentially, resourcing helps bring people back into their window of tolerance. Outside of the therapy space, however, resourcing takes on… Read more
New Year Reflection
New Year Reflection Hopefully with the holiday season behind you, you’ve found a moment to rest & recharge. If not, prioritize the recovery you may need, then set aside some time to reflect. Check out the slideshow to get you started, then continue the post below! Are you feeling the New Year Energy? As I… Read more