Month: October 2024
Better Understanding Executive Functioning
Better Understanding Executive Functioning Executive functioning weaknesses can have a significant impact on a person’s mental health. But what is executive functioning? How can we strengthen it? In our brains, the executive functions are the higher-level cognitive skills that help our internal systems work effectively. We can’t talk about strengthening executive functioning without talking… Read more
Understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder
Understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder Up here in the PNW things are starting to feel colder and darker, making way for seasonal depression AKA seasonal affective disorder. What is seasonal affective disorder? Does everyone get it? How can you manage it? What makes seasonal affective disorder different from the typical “winter blues”? It is common for… Read more
Navigating Conflict Successfully
Navigating Conflict Successfully Are you comfortable managing conflict in your relationships? Conflict happens! How do we work with it? What happens if we habitually try to avoid it? What skills are important to effectively resolving conflict when it occurs? What happens when conflict is ongoing? How has conflict been modeled for you? One way to start… Read more
Coming Out as Queer
Coming Out as LGBTQIA+ (or not!) To come out or not to come out as part of the LGBTQIA community. Why is it important for some people to come out, while not a big deal to others? What should be taken into consideration when making the decision whether to come out or not? Read on!… Read more
Practicing Active Listening
Practicing Active Listening What is the impact of active listening? When people feel heard and understood, their defenses lower. When defenses are lowered, space for effective communication is created. Curious to know more? Read on! Listening to understand… Oftentimes, especially when excited or when navigating conflict, we listen only to plan our next response. While… Read more